レッツスピーク(4th Tue)

We sure had some good times during our college years, didn't we? :私たち大学時代にとっても楽しい時間を過ごしたものね?
It seems like just yesterday that we were all sitting around a campfire right here, just like this. :まるで昨日のことみたいだ,ちょうどここでたき火を囲んで座ってたよな,ちょうどこんなふうに。
Although I was a lot slimmer back then. :あのころ僕はもっと痩せてたけどな。
How long are you in town? :町にはどれくらいいるの?
This seems like a good time to call it a night. :今夜はこの辺でお開きにしましょうかね。
It seems like next Friday is never going to get here! :なかなか来週の金曜日が来ないように思えるよ!
It seems like the barber trimmed my sideburns unevenly. :床屋さんが僕のもみあげを不揃いに切ったみたいだな。