
  • podcast ---NHKBBCWSJ
  • ビジネス英会話 "New Office Ambience (5)(6)"

[review memo]
"You seem to be a bit subdued at the news. Is something in particular perturbing you?" → "I don't admit it, but I'm not enthused."
"I suppose it's a phobia I'll learn to deal with as we get on with the details of designing our future habitats."
"That may seem far-fetched, but their statistics do seem to hold up under scrutiny."
"Can you be more specific in that regard? What do you think will be the sore points and how do we salve them?"
"With due care for my personal idiosyncrasies, ~ ."
"There's no design that fits and all."

  • ELT(April-1) ---会話:はじめまして、テキスト&ワーク:Unit1(動作・What's this?)、フォニックス:アルファベット