
It's not hard, really--just time-consuming. :そんなに大変じゃないのよ,本当はね−−ただ時間がかかるだけ。
Most people wouldn't even try it. :ほとんどの人はやろうともしないんだから。
It looks like it's one-of-a-kind. :ユニークだよね。
You make it sound easy. :簡単に聞こえるけど。
I wish I were as good in the kitchen as you are. :あなたみたいにキッチンで上手にできたらいいんだけど。
Maybe I should hang around you more. :たぶん,あなたのそばにもっといた方がいいわね。
Some of your smarts might rub off on me. :あなたの頭の良さが少しは私にうつるかも。
I'd imitate you if I could. :できれば真似したいけど。
But I doubt I would look as good as you. :でも,あなたほど似合わないわよね。
You have good tast in ties. :あなたってとってもネクタイの趣味がいいわね。