Alex Sanchez "Rainbow Boys" を読む ~101p -1

Rainbow Boys

Rainbow Boys

Sanchez's debut novel chronicles the senior year of three gay teens struggling with issues ranging from coming out to first love to an HIV scare. The story lines communicate a hint of an educational agenda (Sanchez sprinkles in the names of support groups like Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays into the novel, and lists contact information for organizations at the end), but the characters' complicated feelings are well drawn, and readers will find themselves interested in each of the protagonists' lives. Sanchez creates modern situations that speak to contemporary teens.  (アマゾンより)

"The Virgin Suicides" を読んだあと、たまらなく少年ものを読みたくなったのだけど、この本はゲイの高校生を扱っているにしてはちょっとツッコミが浅いように思う。同じテーマなら、"Geography Club" の方が繊細な感じで好きだな。まだ全体の半分弱しか読んでないし、これから面白くなってくるのかもしれないけれど。